VTS Revision History

What’s new in 3.8.1 (2024-04-12)


  • Changed The Grid XZ commands has been correctly renamed to ZX. For instance, ‘GridXzLabelPosition’ becomes ‘GridZxLabelPosition’.


  • Fixed Various bugs when synchronizing in movie mode


  • Added Frameless mode activable in scenario states
  • Changed Future orbital paths now displayed with added transparency.
  • Fixed Using the dimensions of the secondary plane if the main plane is hidden


  • Changed Future orbital paths now displayed with added transparency.

What’s new in 3.8.0 (2023-12-04)


  • Added Https support for WMS server
  • Added Code validation improvement. Visitor pattern implementation
  • Added Aim mode available in Timeline (by pressing shift while moving the cursor)
  • Fixed A red frame is visible on screenshots on Linux
  • Fixed Satellite copy do not update central body
  • Fixed Crash if project folder contains special characters
  • Fixed XSD file not compatible with VTS 3.7
  • Fixed Issue with timeline zoom resolution


  • Added Stars are displayed colored based on redshift parameter B-V Johnson (optional column) from Hipparcos catalog
  • Changed Algorithm to compute star size improved now based on star magnitude from Hipparcos catalog
  • Changed ZenithView display improvement (ctrl is used for the snapping while shift display the radial overlay)
  • Fixed SurfaceView issue with satellites relationship
  • Fixed Issues with stars selection (SkyView, SensorView)
  • Fixed Issue with tiles visibility
  • Fixed ROI text visibility inconsistent


  • Added Infobox can display data from other applications using JS scripts
  • Added The window can be moved by adjusting the “Mouse interactive” property , or by activating the application from the taskbar and then pressing and holding the Ctrl key.
  • Fixed Font settings for Info Data Scripts are now modifiable.

What’s new in 3.7.1 (2023-06-16)

  • Changed WGS84 activated by default on Earth-centered projects
  • Fixed WGS84 taken into account in Celestia. However, ground station labels do not stick to the surface when WGS84 is enabled.
  • Fixed Grid visualizer display issues
  • Fixed Spherical shell latitude inverted latitude
  • Added Dimensions of grid visualizers can be parametrized via MEM files
  • Changed Smooth lines activated by default in Celestia

What’s new in 3.7.0 (2022-12-05)

  • Fixed Pixmap error messages when capturing image or video from Broker
  • Fixed Surfaceview real-time synchronization
  • Fixed Computed delay in real-time with INTERPOL streams in project
  • Fixed Always on top in InfoBox
  • Added Dark theme (File/Settings)
  • Added Timeline events are color configurable
  • Added ZenithView display improvement (show a pointed direction with shift or ctrl key down)

What’s new in 3.6.3 (2022-03-18)

  • Added Basic Javascript interface for Infobox
  • Added Provider/Subscriber Data Bus documentation

What’s new in 3.6.2 (2022-01-31)

  • Changed PrestoPlot upgraded from v20.10 to v22.01 (see PrestoPlot/Help/Version History)
  • Added New environment variables injected by VTS for client processes (VTS_PROJECT_FILE, VTS_APPLICATION_LABEL)
  • Added New environment variables injected by Broker for client processes (VTS_BROKER_PORT, VTS_BROKER_DATA_DIR, VTS_BROKER_TEMP_DIR)
  • Added Environment variables defined in vtsclient.json can now be used for the positional and optional arguments
  • Fixed PrestoPlot window was not activated on select from the Window Geometry Manager
  • Fixed SurfaceView timed textures were not loaded

What’s new in 3.6.1 (2021-12-16)

  • Added Satellite labels can now be hidden in Celestia
  • Added Satellite spherical shell visualizer displayed in Celestia
  • Fixed Crash when reading a VTS 3.3.1 project file
  • Fixed Ground station sensor mask not displayed on ZenithView
  • Fixed Station-Satellite visibility link not displayed in Celestia
  • Fixed Unable to remove Link visualizer from the project
  • Fixed Missing context-sensitive help for visualizers

What’s new in 3.6.0 (2021-11-23)

General changes

  • Added Display of satellite relative trajectories via Reference Frame configuration
  • Added New satellite visualizers available: Ellipsoid, Spherical Shell, Grid
  • Added Support for CIC data exchange protocol version V3.0 (draft)
  • Changed Positional covariance configuration migrated to satellite visualizers
  • Fixed Project file marked as modified on open
  • Fixed Missing files when exporting project file to archive
  • Fixed Error messages displayed in the command line on exit
  • Fixed Issues when configuring the Parent Body of the Moon
  • Fixed VTS diag utility was not executed on some environments
  • Fixed Crash when configuring an invalid cluster directory
  • Fixed Celestia: Satellite sensor swath disappear when enabling umbra cone visibility


  • Added New “Tracking Shot” mode to define custom camera travelling animations
  • Added New options for windows activation in the Window Geometry Manager
  • Added CNES and VTS logos available for Movie Recording and Image Capture
  • Added Cascade layout in the Window Geometry Manager
  • Added Display of client application read/write buffer size
  • Fixed Changes to Timeline badges were not detected as project changes (save dialog was not displayed)
  • Fixed Display issues when changing the order of Timeline files
  • Fixed External clients were not displayed on reconnect with the same application ID

What’s new in 3.5.1 (2021-01-19)

Added Ability to change startup of project applications from Broker
Changed Satellite-Satellite links using geometric computation in OmniView
Fixed Modified states display a star properly in real-time mode
Fixed Visibility circles property display in OmniView
Fixed Help not showing properly on Windows 10

What’s new in 3.5.0 (2020-12-14)

General changes

Added Display of umbra and penumbra zones in 3D
Added STREAM mode now support timeshifting (going back in time)
Added VTS log is stored in a file
Added Broker log is stored in a file
Added Satellite-Satellite visibility links (visualizers)
Added PrestoPlot models can now be stored with VTS
Added Satellite eclipse zones displayed in 2D
Added Icon caption fonts can be customized
Added Visiblity circle and sensor width can be customized
Added Body frame cameras
Added Support for clusters of objects
Added Option to create a diagnostic file (Help/System Information)
Added Option to migrate a project to last version (startVTS –migrate )
Fixed Non blocking startVTS –batch
Fixed Crash when closing an unsaved file
Fixed VTS help open in default browser
Fixed Entity filter available during visualization
Fixed Issues with copy-paste ground station sensor


Fixed VTS protocol messages can now be disabled
Fixed Unexpected delay (2 seconds) being added to DIRECT mode
Fixed Timeline files incorect ordering
Fixed Timeline display issues when adding files via drag and drop
Fixed Timeline bar display offset
Fixed Undo/Redo issues with Timeline badges
Fixed Issues with –stdout option


Fixed Crash on empty POI/ROI files
Fixed Accent display issues
Fixed Missing libraries
Fixed Issues with read-only mode
Fixed Orbit paths display issues


Fixed Crash with Plancton Cyclic scenario
Fixed Crash when working outside the boundaries of a project
Fixed ZenithView error on exit when using ground station visibility links
Fixed Wrong visibility link displayed in ZenithView
Fixed Issues with SensorSurface option
Fixed Issues with ground station visibility


Fixed Crash when using an empty color file

What’s new in 3.4.2 (2020-03-03)

Fixed Ground station “Sensors Surface” property not working properly in OmniView applications
Fixed Ground station visibility links invalid display in ZenithView
Fixed Wrong style in User Manual [PDF] (only Windows package)

What’s new in 3.4.1 (2020-02-10)

Fixed Error while reading TimelineScript and TimelineStream tags in project file
Fixed Issue detecting JAVA installation for the KeplerianGenerator
Fixed Error when closing ZenithView if Station-Satellite links are enabled
Fixed Display issues on Windows 10 (non-native style)

What’s new in 3.4.0 (2019-12-10)

General changes

Added CNES ephemeris for the Moon
Added The Moon is now available as a central body
Added Support for lunar missions (celestial bodies hierarchy)
Added Timeline files can be tagged and filtered using “badges” (contextual menu)
Added Mode “Synchronize with system time” can be dynamically disabled and re-enabled
Added Ground station sensors can be defined with Azimuth-Elevation constraints
Added Enabled transparency for satellite orbit path using RGBA color files
Added A new diagnostic tool is shipped with VTS
Changed PrestoPlot upgraded from v18.07 to v19.11 (see PrestoPlot/Help/Version History)
Changed VTS is now based on Qt5.12

VTS Configuration Tool

Added Dates can now be copied/pasted in the project dates dialogs
Added Button to set date to “now” in the project dates dialogs
Added VERYSMALLER icon size
Fixed Some states were not updated when renaming a satellite


Added Satellite-station visibility links are displayed in Celestia
Added Inertial cameras for celestial bodies
Added Orbit path support for celestial bodies
Added New option to hide satellite and all its elements at once (sensor, orbit path, …)
Fixed Issues with Celestia window menu on Linux


Added View grid can be customized in OmniView applications
Added Satellite-station visibility links can be customized
Added Satellite-station visibility links can be displayed/hidden per satellite
Added New option to hide satellite and all its elements at once (sensor, orbit path, …)

What’s new in 3.3.1 (2019-04-01)

Fixed States not showing as modified in the scenario editor
Fixed Incorrect Timeline graph display for long lasting projects
Fixed Incorrect “Change Date format” button behaviour in the scenario editor
Fixed Satellite not animated when using Celestia in real-time mode

What’s new in 3.3.0 (2018-12-07)

General changes

Added Support for OBJ file format for 3D models
Changed PrestoPlot upgraded to v18.07

VTS Configuration Tool

Added Settings option to specify a custom editor for CIC data files
Added Settings option to specify the grid resolution of the Window Geometry Manager
Added Filter project entities by using Ctrl+F
Added Filter application properties in State Editor by using Ctrl+F
Added Applications label and icon are displayed in Project tree, Windows Geometry Manager and State Editor
Added Window Geometry Manager multiple application selection
Added Window Geometry Manager quick Layout buttons to arrange windows
Added Window Geometry Manager shows a preview of the selected area
Changed Deleted “Live edit” button in Window Geometry Manger (use Cancel button to restore original state)
Changed “Synchronize with system time” option now ignores project dates
Changed Leading and trailing whitespaces are removed from entities names
Fixed Improved loading time for projects with a large number of states
Fixed Issues with JD1950 = 0 as start date
Fixed Project archive did not contain customized event icon images
Fixed Incorrect focus when double-click in log error messages
Fixed Incorrect redirection when using contextual help
Fixed “Del” key did not delete map layers
Fixed VTS start issues on Windows 10


Added An image overlay can be added to record a film with VTS
Added Filter application properties in State Editor by using Ctrl+F
Added Application label and icon are displayed in the State Editor
Added The state of checkboxes in Received and Sent packets can be saved
Fixed Messages from Script/Macro files addressed to incorrect applications
Fixed Issues while saving state of promoted dynamic applications
Fixed Window Geometry Manager issue when Broker in Always on top mode
Fixed Capture Image dialog issues on Linux
Fixed Capture Image dialog issues with counter Reset button
Fixed Reset button did not have an effect while taking an Area screenshot
Fixed Cancel button did not have an effect with Color dialog in the State Editor


Changed Toggle Ground Station Visibility now acts also on Ground Station Sensor
Fixed Always on top mode issues
Fixed Title bar was visible under Frameless mode on Linux
Fixed Incorrect icon centering when using Anchor option
Fixed Coordinates were not displayed while changing map projection center


Added “Time standard” initial state to specify UTC or TAI display
Added “Mode format” initial state to specify a custom display format
Added “Second shift” initial state to specify a custom shift in seconds
Added Custom fonts can be specified for each display block (Time, Date, Data and Shift)


Added Assimp library version 4.1.0
Changed Antialiasing activated by default (sampling set to 2)
Changed Upgraded compiler toolchain to MSVC 2015
Changed Upgraded lua library version to 5.3.5
Changed Upgraded luasocket library to 3.0

Plugin development

Added A new client configuration JSON file enables advanced environment options

What’s new in 3.2.0 (2017-12-07)

General changes

Added New client application ZenithView
Added New HTML version of the VTS user manual
Added Project examples and data to display geopolitical borders
Added Project examples and data to display unit sphere configuration
Added PrestoPlot v17.07 (demo version) is now shipped with VTS

VTS Configuration Tool

Added Contextual help is now available and displayed in default browser
Added Sensors can now be added to ground stations
Added Station masks can now be added to ground stations
Added Positional covariance can now be defined for satellites
Added New window manager tool to simplify client applications windows placement
Added Automatic placement of client applications windows adapts to changes in screen configuration
Changed When an entity is renamed, states referencing the entity are renamed too
Fixed An incorrect message was displayed when reloading a project
Fixed Application list was not always sorted by application ID
Fixed Ground station satellite targets were not displayed when copy-pasting a ground station
Fixed Crash when loading a project with an unavailable client application
Fixed Crash when loading a malformed CIC script file

OmniView applications

Added New “Frameless” and “Always on top” modes
Added Enhaced projection of zone-like entities (Earth’s terminator, ROI and sensors) in Polar projection
Fixed Satelite-station visibility links were displayed in SensorView and SkyView
Fixed Entities were displayed even if they were located behind a planet (from the reference point of view)


Added Ground station sensors are displayed in SurfaceView
Fixed Satellite orbit trace was not displayed correctly in some data stream configurations
Fixed Invalid elevation value displayed in satellite-station visibility links
Fixed POI caption color was not taked into account


Added Ground station sensor are displayed in Celestia
Added Labels “Sun” and “Body” are displayed along Satellite-to-Sun and Satellite-to-Body 3D vectors
Added Positional covariance is displayed as a 3D ellipsoid around a satellite
Fixed A memory leak concerning the display of satellite sensors
Fixed Velocity vector was invalid in some data stream configurations
Fixed Incomplete deployment of Qt libraries caused problems in some environments


Added New protocol command to dynamically stop a running application
Added The new window manager tool is also available in the Broker
Fixed Some deprecated functions were used when recording movies
Fixed Timeline display issues related to Qt5 migration
Fixed Invalid application state when aborting visualization exit
Fixed Client application IP addresses displayed incorrectly
Fixed Camera parameters dialogue had problems with some locales


Fixed Application did not start if Broker port was other than default (8888)

Plugin development

Added New XML Schema Definition (XSD) describing the VTS project file format
Added VTS is now shipped with code examples (in Python, Tcl and Java) to connect existing applications

What’s new in 3.1.1 (2017-03-09)

General changes

Added Leap second at 2016/12/31
Changed VTS is now based on Qt5.7.1


Added Station-Satellite visibility links are displayed
Added Advanced tool to measure orthodromic distances
Added Orthodromic distance between two free coordinates
Added Orthodromic distance between a free coordinate and an entity (POI/ROI)
Added Orthodromic distance between entities (POI-POI/POI-ROI/ROI-ROI)
Added A state property to show/hide the toolbar
Added POI/ROI color can be dynamically modified using a protocol command
Improved ROI tooltip can contain text from CCSDS meta comments
Improved Cursor coordinates are always displayed
Improved Zoom level limit of tile map layers
Improved Layer’s opacity support
Fixed Position of events when changing the projection center

VTS Configuration Tool

Added A map projection can be defined for each layer
Added WMTS protocol support
Added New wizard to define WMS/WMTS URLs
Added WMS/WMTS GetCapabitlites support
Improved WMS protocol support
Changed “WMS Tile Map Layer” renamed in “Web Tile Map Layer”
Fixed “Earth Tile Map local path” for bodies different than Earth


Added Button to take screenshots of one or more client applications
Added Option to close the Broker if no client application is running


Added New cameras Station to Satellite and Satellite to Station
Added Support to enable/disable POI visibility

What’s new in 3.0.2 (2016-10-08)

General changes

Changed 2dWin application generalized as OmniView application suite
Changed 2dWin is now called SurfaceView
Added New client application SkyView
Added New client application SensorView
Added New client application NadirView
Added New plotting tool client application PrestoPlot 4.6.0
Added Texture layers can be used in client applications
Added Satellites can be positioned with lat/long/alt CCSDS files
Added VTS can be used in a read-only environment
Added VTS support for RedHat 5.3 64bits


Improved Using real position for terminator calculation instead of a point at infinity
Added Ability to change the projection center
Added Visibility circles of bodies displayed on the scene reference
Added Visibility circle of a satellite
Added Planetographic grid available
Added Distance between two points with Shift+Click
Added Ability to define a star catalogue
Added Default Hipparcos star catalogue containing 117957 stars
Added Handles texture layers
Added Satellite icon oriented according to speed vector
Fixed Maximum zoom does not lead to undefined view


Added Ability to choose the central body displayed as the scene reference in initial states
Added Ability to change the projection in initial states
Added WGS84 flattening of the Earth took into account
Added Different satellite frame axes can be displayed
Added Mercator and polar projection

VTS Configuration Tool

Added New entity icon sizes available
Added Ability to have complex name separated by a pipe character for ROI/POI
Added Heterogeneous units allowed in CCSDS files
Changed “Altitude and azimuth” renamed as “elevation and azimuth”.
Changed Focus on the next entity when deleting an entity
Changed EntityRange_t widget interaction
Changed POI, ROI and ground station names must be unique
Changed Event files are not included in the project dates computation
Changed In 3D graphics properties, “Center of Gravity” and “Reference Axes” are disabled when 3d graphics are not customized
Changed Position files created for subparts and sensors are in MEM format
Fixed Importing entities with custom 2d image
Fixed Crash when zooming in the Timeline to a high level
Fixed Compute date when data files has changed
Fixed No longer crash after a body deletion
Fixed Error on central body with badly formed OEM header file
Fixed XML Shape Events migration from 2.5 projects
Fixed Crash when recording in real-time mode (forbidden use case)
Fixed Timeline zoom reset when connecting a new client application
Fixed Encoding standard used in zip archive export
Fixed Undo after renaming ROIs or POIs
Fixed Wrong focus when double-click on an error log
Fixed Remote project files can be opened from right-click


Added Disable/Delete all states actions in the Timeline
Added Ctrl+S to save all states
Fixed Broker window cannot be lost out of screen anymore


Changed Default position of satellite frame axes
Changed Default camera defined when no satellite in the project
Fixed Sun axes can be displayed again
Fixed ROI and POI names can contain multiple spaces


Fixed Better handling of different encoding standards in file paths

Data Generator

Added TLE Generator generates speed data in OEM files

What’s new in 2.7.1 (2015-09-18)

General changes

Changed New Website: www.timeloop.fr
Changed StartVTS executable is not TCL-dependent any more
Added Sun as a central body
Improved Loading time for projects with hundreds of satellites
Added New InfoBox plugin, displays overlay text
Fixed States time precision
Added Warning when VTS is started in a read-only environment
Added New relative date format
Improved Time scale on every Timelines
Added Leap second at 2015/06/30
Updated CIC/CCSDS standard has changed (deprecated fields)
Fixed No graph in the Timeline with very short files
Fixed Incorrect Y-scale in the Timeline

VTS Configuration Tool

Added Standardized interface with external data generators (Keplerian, TLE, etc.)
Added Button to restore ignored files
Changed Full path for recent files list
Improved Better error finder (double-clic in the Logger tab)
Changed Increase Timeline limits where files are not loaded
Fixed Wrong fields order when using the Tab key
Fixed Verify if names contain the slash character
Fixed Timeline configuration (file order et display mode) was not always saved
Fixed Uranus texture not available


Improved Time ratio can be saved in states
Improved Movie configuration is restored even if the Broker has been restarted
Added Commands to restart a Broker from a script
Added Button to save Timeline configuration (width, cursor position, etc.)
Improved Sort applications in the 3D camera tab
Improved project applications can stay unstarted at Broker’s start
Added Network command for loading files
Fixed Do not record the configuration window at the beginning of movies
Fixed Jump to the beginning of the project when “start in pause” projects are played
Improved Ability to receive large data set in real-time mode


Fixed Celestia antialisating sample configuration
Changed New default camera
Added Option to display references axes at satellite’s center of gravity
Improved Subparts depth limitation has been removed
Fixed Angles are now in degrees in the real-time protocol


Added Background image can be load from local tiles or WMS server (beta)
Improved Many icons and ergonomic improvements (colors, texts, size, etc.)
Added New sensor swath calculation mode for Nadir pointing projects
Improved Ground stations can be hidden
Fixed Bad rotation model outside of project dates in real-time modes
Fixed Satellite do not disappear when data stream stops in real-time mode

What’s new in 2.6.0 (2014-11-14)

General changes

Added Regions and Points of Interest are available in 2D and 3D
Added An catalog ephemeris of the planets of the Solar System has been added to provide external data to client applications
Added The orbit path length can be dynamically changed in a scenario
Added A property (or a set of properties) can be reset to its default value via a contextual menu in the Timeline State Editor
Added Quaternion can use FIRST or LAST convention
Added Client applications can provide a cleaner that allow cleaning visualization data cache
Added PrestoPlot can load CCSDS files through a new VTS protocol command (CMD LoadCcsdsFile)
Updated Updated data of the Rosetta mission and high resolution Churyumov-Gerasimenko model
Updated A new compatible version of PrestoPlot is available on the Spacebel website
Changed All geographic coordinates are now expressed in latitude-longitude (ISO 6709)
Fixed Dates expressed in scientific notation are better handled
Improved VTS is compatible with Linux 64 bits architectures
Improved All orientation quaternions are normalized before used in the internal VTS API
Improved Dated CIC files can contain multiple data lines at the same date
Improved A lot of fix and improvement made to the VTS script engine
Improved A lot of fix and improvement made to the CcsdsLib

VTS Configuration Tool

Added A 2d symbol and 3d model catalog has been added to the Configurator
Added The auto compute date option can be configured in the Configurator settings menu
Added A project can be exported from the Configurator as a ZIP archive
Added Event CIC files can be created from the Events HMI
Added Fine tuning of the sensor swath in the Initial States
Added -v/–version and -h/–help options are available on the command line under Linux
Changed Satellite subpart can be oriented by Azimuth/Elevation
Changed The Date and Time configuration panel has its own item in the project tree
Fixed Alternative texture of cental bodies are now well imported


Added A new graph view of CIC files is available in the timeline
Added The Broker TCP port can now be configured in the Configurator settings menu
Added A new VTS macro mechanism is available in the Broker Menu
Added The name of the project being viewed as been added to the Broker title bar
Added Timeline actions in a contextual menu: Reset view, center cursor, follow cursor
Added An alternative sensor camera view is available through a Ctrl + Click on the button that switches X and Y axes
Improved The camera sensor button is now of the same color of the sensor volume
Improved The selected display mode in the Timeline is now saved in the project file
Improved Messages can be sent to an application ID with no connected client, messages are delivered when the client is connected
Improved A client application manually closed by the user during a visualization can be stated again via the VTS protocol
Improved A maximum size for the data files loaded in the Timeline can be configured, allowing acceptable loading time and a good reactivity with big files.
Fixed DATA messages won’t be sent to a client before it sends a INIT message
Fixed Timeline displaying a scrollbar when recording videos


Added A new multiview camera in Celestia is available in Camera Parameters in the Broker View Properties
Added Celestia antialisating sample can be configured in the Initial States
Fixed Viewing a high resolution model of 67GP will not crash under Linux
Fixed DATA position and orientation messages are now interpreted when a real time simulation is paused


Added The geographic coordinates of the cursor can be displayed and captured to clipboard by Ctrl + Click
Added Sun terminator and subsolar point has been added to all central bodies
Fixed Sensor swath won’t disappear in some special cases

What’s new in 2.5.0 (2014-03-06)

General changes

Added VTS executes commands stored in script files. CMD SERVICE TakeScreenshot has been added.
Added User manual is written in English. Main executable is startVTS instead of lanceurAtelier
Added Sensors can be added to any subpart

VTS Configuration Tool

Added image file format for 2D icons
Added File display type in Timeline is saved. Color selection has been changed.
Added Euler rotation sequence can be changed
Fixed default opacity value was zero for sensor swath
Fixed conversion issue in time widget
Fixed event editor was writeable during visualization


Fixed sensor swath was cleared every day at midnight
Fixed fixed crash with specific args


Added New option specificArgs from command line
Added Timeline limits updated in real-time mode
Added Column with visualization time added in packet logs tab
Added SpecificArgs are automatically added to launchers returned command line
Fixed timeratio in system time mode cannot be different from 1
Fixed no white space simplification in protocol messages
Fixed remove Celestia special init commands from protocol
Fixed accept connexion from Telnet
Fixed default camera was not always available
Fixed state date can now be edited
Fixed escaped caracters are now accepted in CCSDS files


Added Camera parameters can be adjusted manually
Fixed tiny differences in position had no effect
Fixed fixed confusion when many 3ds files with the same name

Data Propagator

Fixed crash when broker not available

What’s new in 2.4.0 (2013-12-16)

General changes

Added VTS can display time-based events in its timeline and in 2dWin
Added Sensors swathes are drawn in both 2D and 3D views

VTS Configuration Tool

Added One can now browse the project tree during the visualisation
Added New interface for specific arguments and application parameters


Changed Brighter default texture for Earth
Fixed gap between sensor footprint in 2dwin and Celestia


Added Space key pauses visualisation
Changed Improved stability with erroneous clients
Fixed problem with scale values in view properties


Fixed mirror display with BMP textures


Changed Cosmographia: improved cameras (every camera from Celestia are available)

What’s new in 2.3.0 (2013-07-09)

General changes

Added View properties and 3D cameras lists are customizable for every plugin
Changed Improved behaviour on touch devices (gestures, pinch, etc.)
Changed MJD and ISO date format in project files
Fixed invisible messages when using VTS in batch mode
Fixed memory issues that potentially lead to a crash
Fixed errors on check validity

VTS Configuration Tool

Added Undo/redo changes (CTRL+Z)
Added Import dialog to copy entities from other project files
Added Copy/paste inside the project tree (CTRL+C)
Fixed crash when deleting a target satellite of a groundstation sensor
Changed Improved behaviour on drag&drop files (.vts files only, Windows shortcut)
Changed Warning if no intersection found in data files dates
Changed Warning when loading a projet with states for an unknown application
Changed Allow BMP file format for body textures
Changed Restore window maximized state on startup


Changed Use Euler sequence from CIC file when different than “313”
Fixed time limits when dragging satellite


Added Client applications can now be launched dynamically
Added Possibility to record .mpg movies (PowerPoint compatibility)
Changed Improved stability with erroneous clients
Changed Relative paths in batch mode
Changed Retrocompatibility with VTS old DATA protocol in real-time mode
Fixed status when creating a new state after a dirty state


Changed Remove _ref suffix from satellites label
Changed Provide jpeg library to improve OS compatibility
Changed Update source from Celestia repository
Fixed crash when using unknown body
Fixed labels flickering on some cameras


Changed Improved date verification on check validity

Data Propagator

Fixed crash when an error occurs in CIC lib


Changed PrestoPlot: custom window title with application ID
Changed PrestoPlot: compatibility with RHEL6
Changed PrestoPlot: remove dataplot.ini mechanism (replaced by states)
Fixed Cosmographia: doesn’t start in fullscreen mode
Fixed Cosmographia: fixed crash on unknown objets

What’s new in 2.2.0 (2013-02-21)

General changes

Added dynamic textures on central bodies
Added check of CIC files version
Changed Improved overall performance for large data files
Changed Improved optimization and robustness of the CCSDS library
Fixed confusion between UTC and local time in the widget date editor
Fixed crash when selecting an invalid CIC file
Fixed Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements

VTS Configuration Tool

Added menu entry to open project directory
Added trimming spaces at the beginning and end of file path
Changed Improved error messages related to data files
Changed Improved validating project dates
Changed Removed conversion between degrees and radians
Changed Removed options menu
Changed Changed number of items in the recent files list increased to 15


Added ability to move a satellite using the mouse
Fixed model of rotation of the Earth
Fixed crash on a looped project


Added conservation of view properties during a view state change
Added ability to change time ration when visualization is paused
Changed Improved server logs
Changed Improved ergonomic design of video creation
Changed Improved timeline manipulation
Changed Improved robustness when a client application crash occurs
Changed Changed sending a time ratio of 0 when visualization is paused
Fixed crash when a client application had no WindowGeometry tag in project file
Fixed crash when a DATA message was malformed
Fixed crash when the resolution of the video was not a multiple of 8
Fixed crash when closing the Broker during the initialization
Fixed camera buttons not functionnal after closing an app


Added polar cameras
Added a scale factor button of 10e6 on satellite properties
Added ability to hide menus and overlay texts
Added ability to save ambiant light
Added central body axes and planetographic grid
Changed Improved robustness of state restoration on an overloaded CPU
Changed Removed Celestia native reference frames
Fixed ground station altitude on custom central bodies


Fixed velocity vector and camera blinking

What’s new in 2.1.1 (2012-09-18)

Fixed crash when saving project after adding a sensor to a new satellite

What’s new in 2.1.0 (2012-09-12)

General changes

Changed Integrated movie recorder module with applications synchronization
Changed Improved internal CIC/CCSDS library

VTS Configuration Tool

Added CNES and VTS logo


Fixed sensor view loading for initial state


Added More complex CIC examples


Changed Improved cameras and properties support for Cosmographia
Fixed Play/Pause state when stop moving PrestoPlot time bar

What’s new in 2.0.0 (2012-07-26)

Added a new scenario editor that allows the creation of key dates for changing object properties, animating cameras, and positioning windows
Added a timeline that can display data files and events such as satellite modes
Added a save “visualization state” mechanism
Added new camera frames and new frame axis display
Added the ability to color orbit paths in 2D and 3D
Added the ability to connect in real time to a simulator or telemetry
Changed Upgraded Qt version to 4.8.1 under Windows and 4.8.2 under Linux

What’s new in 1.3.1 (2012-06-06)

General changes

Added Real-time data support
Added Linux Gnome support
Added specific args fields for plugins (i.e. PrestoPlot command line)


Added Hidden mode (XML only)

What’s new in 1.3.0 (2012-02-27)

General changes

Changed Improved the software architecture with a complete rewrite of the code including a common structure between applications
Changed Upgraded Qt version to 4.7.4 under Windows and 4.7.3 under Linux

VTS Configuration Tool

Added backward compatibility with all vts project files
Added ‘start options’ to control time at visualization start
Added ground station visibility configuration
Added a MJD time format display
Added compatibility with commas as decimal separator in HMI under Windows
Added possibility to choose the unit for intrinsic dimensions of a 3ds file
Added prototype of a real-time connection with a position data stream (Ctrl+Shift+T, not documented)
Changed Improved the project validity check and dates computation from data files before starting visualization
Fixed the locked file problem on a CIC file created within the ### VTS Configuration Tool
Fixed CIC files variables loaded as integer instead of real
Fixed last line of file CIC not taken into account if no newline at end of file
Changed Changed ground stations to be displayed under their central body
Changed Removed the configuration of the default camera (temporary)


Added the satellite’s altitude in a tooltip when hovering over its icon
Added the ability to hide satellites and ground stations with icons in the toolbar
Added various sensor intersection cases with a central body
Changed Improved performance when viewing full map under Windows
Fixed the user defined orientation of a central body
Fixed the positioning of ground stations with out-of-range longitude ([-180,180]) and latitude ([-90.90])
Fixed a bug showing a sensor intersection when sensor direction is opposite to that of the central body


Added batch start of visualization
Added a warning displayed when selecting an out-of-bounds date
Added synchronization with system time
Added pause, loop, autoclose options
Added minimization of the window at startup
Changed Improved time ratio display
Changed Improved time slider resolution
Changed Removed the ground stations camera tab (temporary)


Added sensor cameras with custom field of view
Added ‘synchronous’ and ‘follow’ camera motions
Added ground stations display on central bodies
Added center of gravity on custom central bodies
Changed Improved display of rectangular sensors with shaded faces
Changed Improved orbit camera with the up vector aligned on the Z vector of the central body’s equatorial frame
Changed Changed textures of the Earth to a higher definition
Changed Changed sub parts interpolation from cubic to linear
Fixed the planetographic grid frame on a custom celestial body
Fixed the deformation of the satellite using a non-normalized quaternion
Fixed the delay problem when changing current time with the time slider

Data Propagator

Changed Improved error messages for JVM loading
Changed Changed units from radians to degrees and meters to kilometers


Added the Cubsat Molniya example
Added the Rosetta mission for the study of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

What’s new in 1.2.3 (2011-04-20)

VTS Configuration Tool

Added clickable links in the online updater


Changed Changed the click behavior on station name in order to only select the station


Fixed the global display ratio regression bug

What’s new in 1.2.2 (2011-04-14)

VTS Configuration Tool

Fixed color configuration for sensors
Added missing libs for Linux version
Added backward compatibility with older vts projects


Changed Changed the terminator is only visible for the Earth
Fixed compatibility with jpg textures


Fixed sensor intersection with bodies excluding the Earth
Changed Upgraded Celestia sources from revision to 5151

What’s new in 1.2.1 (2011-04-04)

VTS Configuration Tool

Added central body configuration
Added data sample for central body configuration
Added ability to configure sensor frustum transparency
Changed Changed the orientation mode “direction” for sensors is disabled
Changed Changed the stop visualization is temporary disabled
– ChangedChanged the word “Earth” with “Central body” when applicable
Changed Upgraded VTS Compatibility with Windows 7
Changed Upgraded Qt to version 4.7
Fixed bug on the cancel button when creating new CIC files


Added ability to change central bodies and satellite scale factor
Added ability to change solar system scale factor
Changed Improved log message more verbose
Changed Changed the time slider position is automatically set to zero at the end of the visualization
Changed Changed Broker is automatically always on top when animation starts
Changed Changed the message log is showed when a critical error occurs
Changed Changed the broker is not closed when client applications crash
Fixed time calculation making time jump when activating pause or when reversing time
Fixed flickering of the broker window when switching between compact and full mode


Added ability to hide satellites icons
Added textures from Celestia are used for known central bodies


Added aim axis for sensors
Added ability to hide sensor frustum
Added face culling disabled for sensor drawing
Changed Changed Celestia grid disabled by default
Fixed loading satellite position from file
Fixed “goto” camera
Fixed Celestia window size
Fixed central body direction axis color

What’s new in 1.2.0 (2010-12-08)

VTS Configuration Tool

Added configuration of sensors viewable in 2D and 3D
Added version management for .vts file backward compatibility
Added notification for newer version of VTS available for download
Added drag and drop of a .vts file to open a project
Added storing window’s position and size
Added dynamic configuration mecanism for VTS plugins
Changed Upgraded Qt version from 4.5 to 4.6 under Linux


Added new observer commands (go to and center view)
Added ability to adress commands to a specific application rather than all applications
Changed Improved time control interface
Changed Changed the cameras control panel and the objects state control panel, for a more efficient one
Fixed Setting position and size for Celestia instances in a VTS project


Added conical and pyramidal sensor support
Fixed drag the view with the mouse when zoomed


Added conical and pyramidal sensor support
Added ability to hide/show the satellite orbit and sensor trace
Changed Upgraded Celestia sources from revision 5022 to 5083

What’s new in 1.1.0

VTS Configuration Tool

Added an error check to validate the project
Added an error logger window
Added a scaling factor that allows artificially increasing the size of the satellite
Added right click on the project tree to add or remove objects
Added a “create a new CCSDS file” button in components Geometry section
Added a new orientation mode “Direction” for components
Added the ability to redefine the size of a 3D object
Added ground station cameras definition
Changed Changed the default application automatically added in a new project to include Celestia
Changed Changed the default position mode for a satellite to use file mode instead of fixed position
Changed Upgraded bundled CCSDS library to version 1.0a (CNES julian dates format: [julian day(int)] [seconds of day(double)])
Changed Upgraded Qt to version 4.6
Fixed project dates calculation


Added a real time synchronization with the client applications while moving the time slidebar
Added a compact and always on top mode for the user interface
Added a ground station cameras tab
Fixed client application launch. The simulation is paused until all applications are ready


Added a toolbar with zoom actions
Added ServiceText compatibility
Added text from ServiceText can be moved with mouse
Fixed preloading of some graphic items at the beginning of visualisation
Fixed ground trace length to handle configured values
Fixed object position at the start of simulation


Added new reference vectors : Earth direction and velocity
Changed Improved orbit camera. The camera position is now proportional to the satellite altitude
Changed Upgraded Celestia sources from revision 4915 to 5022
Fixed camera bug when current simulation time is out of project bounds
Fixed texture bug while importing meshes from separate folders
Fixed velocity vector display


Added light direction matching with sun direction in simulation

Data Propagator

Added propagation of Keplerian orbits


Added reading CCSDS files and broadcasting data at the current date


  • Initial release