VTS 3.7 “Night” released

The VTS team is very pleased to announce that VTS 3.7 “Night” has been released and is available for download at https://timeloop.fr/vts/download.

VTS 3.7.0 Night doodle


What’s new ?

This version is mainly focused on bug fixes and improvements, here are some notables changes.

Dark mode

A dark theme has been added for a more comfortable user experience. It can be enabled through the File/Settings menu.

ZenithView targeting tool

ZenithView display has been improved, enabling users to show a pointed direction by holding down the shift or ctrl key.


ZenithView coordinate tool


Scriptable Infobox experiment

A basic JavaScript interface has been added for Infobox, providing more control on display. This feature has a very small API for the moment but will be improved in the future.

Infobox js script

Colormap for Timeline event data files

Customization of timeline colors is now possible by utilizing colors defined in CIC-CCSDS color files. This feature can be accessed through the “configure timeline options” dialog.


Accessing Help in the VTS Configurator

As a reminder, all features are described in the user manual available as contextual help within the VTS Configurator by pressing the F1 key.


[image credit]


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